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Just released: ASAP Utilities 4.2.10

Date: Januari 27, 2009

A new version of ASAP Utilities is available!

This new version fixes a few bugs. While we're working on the next big updated version (4.3), a few people have found some bugs in version 4.2.9 that are now fixed in version 4.2.10.

Download version 4.2.10, January 27, 2009.

Development of version 4.3

We have been working on version 4.3 for the past year. That version has many improvements. A pre-release of the new version has been tested and reviewed by a selective group of people (thanks!) the past months.

Most of the tools have been updated, improved and redesigned. A major improvement is also that you can now switch between two languages: English and Dutch(Nederlands)!
You can download a pre-release of the next version from:

Newsletter January 2009

More information is in the newsletter.

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