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Now available: ASAP Utilities 5.5!

Date: December 2, 2014

because it makes YOU rock in Excel!We're proud to officially announce the new version 5.5 of ASAP Utilities!

Many improvements have been made to help you save time in Excel.

To upgrade, just install the new version 'on top' of the current version on your computer.

Free upgrade

All our clients get version 5.5 free of charge!
Your existing 4.x and 5.x license will also work with the new version 5.5.

How it makes YOU rock in Excel?

Frequently we write a new tip on our website to show you how to benefit from the tools in ASAP Utilities.
You can find the latest and previous tips at:

Thank you for your feedback the past 15(!) years

Our thanks go out to each and every one of you for your feedback.
ASAP Utilities continues to grow and improve thanks to your support, suggestions and encouragement.

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