Range.Value = Range.Value, isn't it?

There are several ways to copy information from one sheet to another. Today I discovered an inconsistancy while using something similar like the following code: Sheet1.Range("A1:A100").Value = Sheet2.Range("A1:A100").Value The above code does not work correctly if the cells in sheet 2 are formatted in currency- or accounting format. In that case Excel does not copy the original ...

Information about array formulas in Excel

Array formulas can help you in Excel to perform complex calculations, expecially if you want to do calculations with certain or multiple criteria. Here are a few links that provice more information and examples on how to use them: http://www.cpearson.com/excel/array.htm http://www.mrexcel.com/tip011.shtml http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/excel/HA010872901033.aspx http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,4149,1265433,00.asp http://www.exceltip.com/exceltips.php?view=category&ID=106 http://tech.yahoo.com/gd/building-an-array-formula-in-excel/153304 http://support.microsoft.com/kb/275165 http://www.bettersolutions.com/excel/EDK153/LT423111411.htm

Remove all rules in Outlook at once

Today my Outlook was messed up a bit and several rules didn't work correctly any more. I had a good backup but I found out that if I imported the rules-backup, the original rules were not replaced but instead the imported rules were added to the list. So you need to remove all all ...

New version in progress: January 8, 2007

I'm working on a new version of ASAP Utilities that fixes a couple of bugs and has a few new features. Please tell me what you think of it. Download: ASAPUtilities_setup_4-0-6-RC1.exe New Export » Export selection as HTML table to clipboard... Added the option to specify an class for the TR-tag. You can also specify alternate use of the class. Range ...

Help, my columns are displayed backwards

View current sheet right-to-left: OffJust got a question that migh be interesting to show here about columns that are displayed backwards. The columns are in reverse alphabetical order and start at the upper right hand corner. The row numbers are on the right side of excel instead of the left. The Problem: Recently, when I opened Excel, the columns ...

Tip: Insert multiple rows at once

tip_insert_multiple_rows_by_hand.gifInserting multiple rows "the Excel way" If you want to insert multiple rows at once the standard procedure is to first select multiple rows and then use the "Insert" command. For example if you want to insert 10 rows between A1 and A2, you first have to select rows 2:11 and then insert the rows. Inserting multiple rows ...

ASAP Utilities newsletter

Last week I have sent out the ASAP Utilities newletter with information about the two new versions: ASAP Utilities released its new versions 4.0.5 and 3.10E! www.asap-utilities.com/asap-utilities-newsletter-2006-11.php More information about our mailinglist: www.asap-utilities.com/asap-utilities-mailinglist.php

New version in progress: November 3, 2006

The new version is completed for about 99%. The RC in the version stands for Release Candidate. I would like to thank everybody that emailed me the past couple of weeks! You can download 4.0.5 RC4, November 3, 2006: ASAPUtilities_setup_4-0-5-RC4.exe (1.1 MB) Major reason for this release are a few bugfixes. I will release this version officially probably ...

New version in progress: October 17, 2006

The new version of ASAP Utilities is still in progress. A few things took more time than I expected and I took the opportunity to add a few worksheet functions and a new utility. You can download 4.0.5 RC3, October 17, 2006: ASAPUtilities_setup_4-0-5-RC3.exe (1.1 MB) Please read the updated post from November 3, 2006 Major reason for this release ...

New version in progress: October 6, 2006

A new version of ASAP Utilities is in progress. You can download 4.0.5 RC2, October 6, 2006: ASAPUtilities_setup_4-0-5-RC2.exe (1.1 MB) Please read the updated post from October 17, 2006 Major reason for this release are a few bugfixes. Depending on the feedback I will release this version officially within a couple of days. I have also code-signed this version of ASAP ...

New version in progress: October 4, 2006

A new version of ASAP Utilities is in progress. You can download 4.0.5 RC1, October 4, 2006: ASAPUtilities_setup_4-0-5-RC1.exe (1.1 MB) Please read the updated post from October 6, 2006 Major reason for this release are a few bugfixes. Depending on the feedback I will release this version officially within a couple of days. Improved General Excel XP/2002/2003: Improved information on how to ...

Screenshots of the different Excel versions

I have always wondered how Excel looks in other countries. In my office we use both the international and the Dutch version(s) of Excel. Today I have created a new page on the main website displaying screenshots of the various Excel versions in different countries. At this moment only international and Dutch ranging from Excel 97 ...

New version: September 20, 2006

A new version of ASAP Utilities is just released. You can download 4.0.4, September 20, 2006 from the main website: www.asap-utilities.com/download-asap-utilities.php Major reason for this release are a few bugfixes. Thank you all for the feedback on the preview version. Improved utilities Delete leading and trailing spaces Cells with (array)formulas and errors will be skipped. Delete leading, trailing and excessive spaces Cells ...

New version in progress: September 19, 2006

A new version of ASAP Utilities is in progress. You can download 4.0.4 preview, September 19, 2006: ASAPUtilities_setup_4-0-4-preview.exe (1.1 MB) Depending on the feedback I will release this version officially withing a couple of days. Major reason for this release are a few bugfixes. Improved Delete leading and trailing spaces Cells with (array)formulas and errors will be skipped. Delete leading, ...

Excel startup errors and speed problems

There are several things that can affect the speed of Excel or cause startup problems. I've found five good sites that discuss these problems and offer solutions: Chip Pearson: Startup Errors In Excel Microsoft: How to troubleshoot startup problems in Excel David McRitchie: Slow Response, Memory Problems, and Speeding up Excel JKP: Fixing Startup problems Contextures: Answers to Frequently Asked Questions ...

New version: August 29, 2006

A new version of ASAP Utilities is available: 4.0.3 (August 29, 2006). Major reason for this release are a few bugfixes, two new worksheet functions and an expanded description of the utilities. New worksheet function: =ASAPExtractNumbers(ref) This function extracts the numbers from a given range or value. New worksheet function: =ASAPStripNumbers(ref) This function strips the numbers ...

New version: 3 august 2006

list filenamesA new version of ASAP Utilities is available: 4.0.2 (3 august 2006). Major reason for this release is an added funtionality to the "Insert filename..." utility, overall accelerator keys (hotkeys) in the menu and a few bugfixes. Fill » List filename... When creating a list of all filenames in a folder you can now choose whether you ...

New version: 31 july 2006

A new version of ASAP Utilities is available: 4.0.1 (31 july 2006). I have also updated the User Guide. Major reason for this release is a few bugfixes. New worksheet formula: =ASAPSheetName() Returns the name of the sheet the formula is placed on. System » Rename current file If you specified a filename of a ...