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Is ASAP Utilities available for the Apple Mac?

Published: June 28, 2005 (latest revision May 23, 2024)
reference id: QA0038


Is ASAP Utilities also available for the Apple Macintosh versions of Excel?

Short Answer

Only if you install Windows on your Mac.

ASAP Utilities does not yet work with the Apple/Mac editions of Excel, due to many limitations in the Mac edition of Excel compared to the Windows edition of Excel.
There has not been much demand for it in the past 25 years either.

Our clients with a Mac, use Apple's Boot Camp or Parallels or VMware Fusion to use the Windows edition of Excel with ASAP Utilities.
Especially because of the things that they otherwise have to do manually in Excel and which would take them many hours of extra work.

Mac Excel's Limited Features Hinder ASAP Utilities Development

Compared to the Windows edition of Excel, the Mac edition is unfortunately still lacking several features from the Windows edition.
The Microsoft Excel team is slowly working on improving the Mac version of Excel, also for add-in authors that use VBA/macros, but they still have much work to do:

ASAP Utilities has been in development since 1999 and we need a solid platform that we can rely on.
The future of VBA (the programming language most macros and ASAP Utilities uses) was for a long time uncertain for MS Excel for the Mac (vbaexpress.com/forum/...). In version 2008 it was even completely removed by Microsoft causing all normal Excel macros to no longer work. Fortunately a few years later Microsoft brought it back, but as of today, the Mac edition still very limited compared to the Windows edition of VBA in Excel.

We're committed to delivering the best to our users. While we have plans to introduce a Mac edition of ASAP Utilities in the future, the development is challenging due to the disparities between the Windows and Mac versions of Excel. Several features present in the Windows edition of Excel may never be available or may function differently on their Mac edition.

We consider developing a Mac version in the future if there's increased demand and when we can ensure a high-quality experience, but it's essential to note that potential compatibility issues and the anticipated low sales volume are factors in our decision.


Our clients with a Mac, use Apple's Boot Camp or Parallels or VMware Fusion to use the Windows edition of Excel.
Especially because of the things that they otherwise have to do manually in Excel and which would take them many hours of extra work.

Alternative Excel Add-ins for the Mac

There are a few (smaller) Excel Add-ins available for the Mac edition of Excel. We have included them on our page with links to interesting websites:

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