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Helping MSF/Doctors Without Borders-Holland

“For a better world”

Who is MSF and how do they help?

Doctors Without Borders-Holland / Artsen zonder Grenzen NederlandDoctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is an international, independent, medical humanitarian organization that delivers emergency aid to people affected by armed conflict, epidemics, healthcare exclusion and natural or man-made disasters.
MSF offers assistance to people based on need, irrespective of race, religion, gender or political affiliation.
Founded in Paris, France in 1971, MSF is a non-profit self-governed organization.
MSF was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1999. www.msf.org

How does our company help MSF?

1. Help financially

In the bike challenge Tour for Life, each team's goal was to raise a minimum of EUR 15.000 for MSF/Doctors Without Borders. All together the teams raised a total of over 1.28 million euro. This helps MSF/Doctors Without Borders carry out its lifesaving work.

Cycling through the mountains from Italy to the Netherlands

During the Tour for Life, the teams cycled eight tough stages through many mountain ranges from Italy to the Netherlands. These are classic routes with an average of 150 kilometers a day.
The teams do it for themselves, but most of all, for others: for MSF-Holland and millions of people in need!
In 2013 we helped team "ASAP for Life" with their goal by donating a significant amount to Doctors Without Borders-Holland (MSF-Holland).
The founder of ASAP Utilities, Bastien Mensink, was also part of team ASAP for Life.
Team ASAP for Life
  • Team ASAP for Life "Powered by ASAP Utilities".
    Cycling and raising money for MSF/Doctors Without Borders Holland
Signing the contract and making the donation to MSF
  • Signing the contract and making the donation to MSF/Doctors Without Borders Holland
    (left: Bastien Mensink, right: Dirk van Klinken)

2. Help by offering a free edition

By offering a free version of ASAP Utilities (already since 1999) we want to contribute to society.
The free "Home&Student" edition of ASAP Utilities is free to use for home projects, school homework and charitable/non-profit organizations such as MSF
Especially with providing it for free to organizations such as MSF, we hope to contribute to a brighter future en help them to be able to help more people.


Médecins Sans Frontières is an international organization made up of 23 associations.
They are a medical and humanitarian organization working in situations of crisis. They all use the same basic logo, but you will find translations of their name across the globe: Doctors Without Borders, Artsen zonder Grenzen, Medicos Sin Fronteras, أطباء بلا حدود無國界醫生. They are often just called “MSF”.
Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières/Artsen zonder Grenzen

Photo's of team ASAP for Life

A few photo's of the training and the Tour for Life (through the mountains from Italy to The Netherlands): Team ASAP for Life - Raising money for Doctors Without Borders Holland
  • Team ASAP for Life "Powered by ASAP Utilities".
    Members of the team near a statue of Beatrix, former Queen of the Netherlands, on bike.
Training session. Photo with Dutch Tour de France hero, Bouke Mollema
  • Training session. Photo with Dutch Tour de France hero, Bouke Mollema
Visiting MSF
  • Visiting “Noodhulp van dichtbij: de wereld van Artsen zonder Grenzen” and talking to the people from MSF.
    An event held in three cities in The Netherlands where MSF showed the emergency medical care that they provide.
Visiting MSF
  • Visiting “Noodhulp van dichtbij: de wereld van Artsen zonder Grenzen” and talking to the people from MSF.
    An event held in three cities in The Netherlands where MSF showed the emergency medical care that they provide.
Visiting MSF
  • Visiting “Noodhulp van dichtbij: de wereld van Artsen zonder Grenzen” and talking to the people from MSF.
    An event held in three cities in The Netherlands where MSF showed the emergency medical care that they provide.
Team ASAP for Life - Cycling and raising money for Doctors Without Borders Holland
  • Ready for takeoff: Team ASAP for Life at the start of the Tour for Life in Italy
the team and MSF
  • The team followed and encouraged by the people from MSF/Docters Without Borders (in the car)
Teamwork, a little help to reach the top
  • Teamwork, a little help to reach the top
Nearly home, welcomed by friends and family
  • Nearly home, welcomed by friends and family
Celebrating the completion of the ride and the money raised
  • Celebrating the completion of the 1250 kilometers
During the Tour for Life, all together the teams raised a total of 1.28 million euro.
  • During the Tour for Life, all together the teams raised a total of 1.28 million euro.
    This allows MSF/Docters Without Borders to help thousands and thousands of people in need of medical aid.

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