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ASAP Utilities 3.02 is released!

Date: Januari 31, 2002

I would like to thank all the people that have been sending me their comments and suggestions. Unfortunately due to the large amount of email I'm no longer capable of answering everybody. However we collect all your suggestions and implement most of them in (future versions of) ASAP Utilities.
Thank you all for the great ideas (and patience too) !

New or improved functions:
  • Apply formula. New, formula's will be preserved.
  • Conditional select. New, select text and choose whether to match case or not.
    Did you know you can already use wildcards (*) in your search string?
    New. Match Case
  • HTML export. New, hidden cells wil not anymore be exported.
  • Export, New, option to let you choose not to include hidden cells in your export
  • Import. New, merge files. Easily combine multiple file into one file:
    Easily combine multiple files into one file
  • Range. New, Hide or replace formula errors. In stead of having a formula error displayed as #N/A you can now easily use this utility to display a custom error-messages.
    Hide all error messages
    Bug fixes (most important):
  • Faster start of ASAP Utilities.
  • HTML export. Bug fix, the font tag will now be closed (</font>).
  • Color Rows and Columns, Bug fix, when asked to continue, the cancel option now works.
  • Close ASAP Utilities. Bug fix, all submodules will first be closed and after that ASAP Utilities.
  • Menu. New, in the spanish version of Excel, the shortcut for the ASAP Utilities menu will be changed from A (also Archivo) to S (ASAP Utilities)
  • Menu. Bugfix, the Chart menu will now have only the options available that apply to charts or general functions.
  • System. System, remove all VBA from current project. Bugfix, ASAP Utilities now first checks if your project is not protected.

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