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ASAP Utilities released its new version (4.1.0) today!

Date: March 20, 2007

new version

We're proud to officially announce the new version of ASAP Utilities!

You can download 4.1.0, March 19, 2007.

Major reasons for these new versions are several bugfixes and a few new utilities.

I would like to thank everybody for their feedback!


This new version can be turned into a registered version.
ASAP Utilities is available since 1999. By offering a registered (paid) version too, we can spend more time in the development and support of ASAP Utilities (we've got many ideas and requests on the wish list).
Registration is mainly aimed on commercial organizations. We ask a relatively small fee compared to the time ASAP Utilities can save you in your work in Excel.

Read the entire newsletter.

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