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Just released: ASAP Utilities 4.2.3!

NotesThe new version of ASAP Utilities, 4.2.3 February 19th 2008, has just been released.

Download ASAP Utilities, 4.2.3 February 19th 2008

Most of the updates in this new version are bug-related. A few bugs reported after the recent release of version 4.2.2. have been solved in this new version. Furthermore a few (minor) improvements have been made.

Many thanks to everyone who has contributed their feedback!

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Pre-release new version + Happy valentine's day!

Happy valentine's day for all Excel lovers!At this moment there are a few known bugs in version 4.2.2. These have been fixed in version 4.2.3 which I'm currently developing and of which you can download a pre-release. This new version is schedule to be released officially next week.

For everyone out there that uses an loves Excel:
Happy valentine's day!

ASAP Utilities 4.2.2 has been released today!

New version of ASAP UtilitiesWe're proud to officially announce the new version of ASAP Utilities!

You can download 4.2.2, January 22, 2008.

This new version is improved in several ways.

I would like to thank everybody for their feedback the past months!

Read the January 22 newsletter:
New ASAP Utilities version 4.2.2 released! 


Review by ZD Net Netherlands and Belgium: A great labour-saver

Logo ZD NetIn November ASAP Utilities 4.2.1 was reviewed by ZD Net (Netherlands and Belgium) by Rowald Pruyn. ZDNet.be and ZDNet.nl are two of the best visited and appreciated ICT-websites in Belgium and The Netherlands.

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ASAP Utilities 4.2.1 has been released today!

New version of ASAP UtilitiesWe're proud to officially announce the new version of ASAP Utilities!

You can download 4.2.1, November 14, 2007.

This new version is improved in a few ways.
We recommend especially people with Excel 2007 to upgrade to this new version.

I would like to thank everybody for their feedback the past months!

If you would like to be informed by email when a new version is released, you can subscribe to our newsletter.

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