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PC Magazine: 'This is the one essential add-in for all Excel users.'

PC Magazine has recently published it's 2005 Ultimate Utility Guide.

We're proud to let you know ASAP Utilities (3.08) has received the PC Magazine 5 Stars Rating, which is selected by a panel of PC Magazine editors, and leading industry experts.

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ASAP Utilities new version 3.09 released

News from the Netherlands!

It is our pleasure to introduce to you the new ASAP Utilities.
Again, several magazines, newsletters and a book have written very positive about our time-saver utility for Excel.

My thanks goes out to each and every one of you for your support, help and tips. Unfortunately we're not able to reply to all the emails we receive, but we read them all.

Click here to go to the download page.

ASAP Utilities is (as always) free and contains no spyware !
We make you the company's excel guru!

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Review in The Office Letter: ASAP Utilities is packed with time savers

The Office LetterThis week The Office Letter wrote a review about ASAP Utilities.

Every week, they offer tips, tricks, and techniques for Microsoft Office. Learn shortcuts, explore application features, and boost your productivity with hands-on how-to's for Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, and the rest of the Office suite.

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ASAP Utilities new version 3.08 released

News from the Netherlands!

The response to ASAP Utilities latest version was overwhelmingly positive. My thanks goes out to each and every one of you for your support, help and tips.

Click here to go to the download page.

ASAP Utilities is (as always) free and contains no spyware !
We make you the company's excel guru!
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PCM: 'No one can do without the ASAP-Utilities'

PCM is an well read dutch computer magazine. This month they have published an article about extra's for Office. One of the programs for Excel that is discussed is ASAP Utilities. In their conclusion ASAP is one of their favorites.


'Een van de beste en meest complete verzameling extra's voor Excel komt van eigen bodem en is nog gratis ook. Met ASAP Utilities krijgt u in één klap ruim driehonderd handige nieuwe functies in Excel. Snel cellen formatteren, reeksen getallen omrekenen, bepaalde types invoer wissen, met ASAP gaat het snel en makkelijk. U zult nooit meer zonder kunnen.'

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