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New User Guide + new beta version available

Today I have published a new version of the ASAP Utilties user guide. This new 133 pages version (30 may 2006) has some additions and corrections. It also covers the latest utilities that are available in the new ASAP Utilities 3.11.

A new beta version (3.11.y) of the 3.11 can be downloaded from my weblog:

I recommend the new beta version to everybody who has at least Excel 2000.

Full page review of ASAP Utilities in PC tipp Switserland

PC Tipp Switserland february 2006In the february 2006 edition of the Swiss magazine PC tipp and article described several add-ins for MS Office: "Office aufgemotzt".

We are proud (very proud!) to see a full page was dedicated to ASAP Utilities. Several of the most used utilities were described. 

Their conclusion: "Kurz: Wenns in Excel etwas gibt, das Sie nervt, st?bern Sie doch mal in den ASAP-Men?s. Fast w?rden wir wetten, dass dort die L?sung f?r Ihr Problem drinsteckt.". Which is someway in English: "In short: When something is bothering in Excel for, take the time to look in the ASAP Utilities menu. We're almost certain the solution for your problem is there."

The full article is available on their website:

For those new to ASAP Utilities we higly recommend the User Guide, especially chapter 6 which lists comment problems and a description how ASAP Utilities can easily help you to solve these problems.

PC Magazine's 14th Annual Utility Superguide: 5 stars for ASAP Utilities

PC Magazine has recently published it's 14th Annual Utility Superguide.

We're proud to let you know ASAP Utilities (3.11 beta) has received the PC Magazine 5 Stars Rating (the maximum rating). The judgment is done by a panel of PC Magazine editors, and leading industry experts.

The full article is available on their website::
pcmag.com/article2/0,1895,1936196,00.asp (no longer available)

The full 14th Annual Utility Superguide:
www.pcmag.com/article2/0,1895,1936083,00.asp (no longer available)

Read the rest of this story »

New User Guide + new beta version available

Today I have published a new version of the User Guide. This new version (0.5) has some additions and corrections. It also covers new utilities that are available in the new ASAP Utilities 3.11.

A new beta version of the 3.11 can be downloaded from my weblog:

I recommend the new beta version to everybody who has at least Excel 2000.

Overwhelmed + update

We're overwhelmed by the reactions we get from you all!

Thank you for all your compliments and suggestions. To show you we use them a new version 3.10c is just released. It fixes two bugs and adds an option to import textfiles separated by and exclamation mark (!).

I have also put the entire version history online so you can see the changes throughout the versions.

download page

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