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ASAP Utilities 3.05 is now available for download.

The reason this version is released so soon after version 3.04, is some problems regarding the compatibility with Excel 97.

New features:
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ASAP Utilities 3.04 is now available for download

New features:
Select Move selection. Easily move your selection to left, right, up or down, using alt+l, alt+r, alt+u or alt+d
Range Conditional select. Select cells with a certain length (i.g. 8 characters long)
Range Pastespecial, with multiple options. I.e. paste both values and formatting.
Web Optimize webimport. Easily clean a tabled copied from the intenet into Excel. I.e. remove hyperlinks, font colors, etc.
Information Fast Calculation, smoothened and expanded. Count unique values added. Option added to copy the information to a new workbook.
System Rename file. The renamed file is added to the recent- files list. Rename file. The utility asks for a new filename in the folder where the file is currently saved.
Options Quickly see in where ASAP Utilities is intalled:
Bug fixes:
Text Convert Dates, fixed buffer overflow, for example with a date like 20020508
Fill Insert before and Insert after. Fixed the error when your selection contained formula's with errors. Now these cells will be skipped and the operation continues.
Numbers Convert formulas to their values. In some cases a message appeared that workbook ??? could not be found. This is now solved.
Menu Fixed the bug that appeared on some system (compile error in hidden module menu).

Download of the week / download der woche


ASAP Utilities is featured as 'download of the week' on the German website WinTotal, a windows-portal.

Die ASAP-Utilities erweitern Excel 97/2000/2002 um über 300 Funktionen, die man sonst nur mühsam selbst oder über Marcos erstellen musste. Die Funktionssuite blendet sich übersichtlich und nach Funktion sortiert in die Menüleiste von Excel ein.


C't: 'Once you've installed ASAP you would hardly want to do without it.'

C't magazin f?r computer technikC't is one of the most read computer magazines in Germany. In their edition 18 they have reviewed several add-ins for Word and Excel. Besides the documentation, which is limited, the review was very positive!

Lockergnome: 'If you're not an Excel powerhouse right now, ASAP Utilities can transform you into one overnight.'

Click to visit Lockergnome.comIn july 2002 Lockergnome, a big free technology e-mail newsletter, wrote a review about ASAP Utilities in their newsletter and on their website:

'My favorite Excel add-in has seen some nice improvements since the last mention. New functions include a very handy and flexible text-to-date converter, a randomizer function, undo capability for a few existing tools and an interesting conditional cell selection routine. Spreadsheet users will not want to be without this, trust me. If you're not an Excel powerhouse right now, ASAP Utilities can transform you into one overnight. I love this thing, and I don't even use spreadsheets all that often.'

http://channels.lockergnome.com/it/backissues/20020709.phtml (link no longer available)

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