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Computer Idee: 'ASAP Utilities makes the life of every Excel-user easier'

Computer Idee is an easy-to-understand dutch computer magazine.

Computer IdeeComputer Idee:

'U vindt in uw lijfblad regelmatig workshops waarmee u in Excel prachtige dingen kunt maken. Vaak wel een hoop werk, maar de moeite waard! Een deel van dat werk kunt u zich besparen dankzij de tip van Martin van Dam. Hij wees ons namelijk op ASAP Utilities, een schitterende verzameling van enkele honderden macro's voor alle Excel-versies vanaf '97. Een macro is een verzameling handelingen die u met één muisklik kunt uitvoeren en dat levert natuurlijk volop tijdswinst op.

ASAP Utilities bevat functies op allerlei gebied: zoals het opmaken en converteren van cellen en snel verwijderen van bepaalde objecten. Deze verzameling hulpjes is dan ook een must voor elke Excel-gebruiker.'

The Courier-Mail: ASAP saves time [28feb04]

The Courier-Mail: ASAP saves time [28feb04]Terry OConnor - It's been claimed that the most widely used database program in the world isn't a database program - it's Microsoft Excel.

That might even be true because Excel is so powerful and so flexible that countless people use it for record-keeping and address books.

But Excel's power means myriad functions and they're not always easy to find or use. Which is where add-ons such as ASAP Utilities come in.

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C't: 'Office improved'

C't magazin f?r computer technikC't is one of the most read computer magazines in Germany. In their third edition this year they have made a selection of the best tools for Word & Co. ASAP Utilities was one of the three best add-ins for excel.

Jewel of the day, 300 free extras for Excel / 300 gratis tillegg til Excel

Digi.no has reviewed ASAP Utilities before, a bundle of smart extras for Excel. ASAP is still exanding and now has over 300 functions. The option to desect cells and a number of advanced select functions are only a few of the features.

Av Einar Ryvarden - Oslo - Her er en tilleggspakke til Microsoft Excel som gir 300 nye funksjoner.

Digi.no har tidligere omtalt ASAP Utilities, en samling med smarte tillegg til Excel. ASAP utvides stadig og er n? kommet opp i 300 nye funksjoner. Muligheten til ? velge bort enkeltceller n?r du har valgt store blokker med musen og en rekke avanserte s?kefunksjoner er noen av mulighetene.

Lenke til dagens nettjuv?l: ASAP Utilities

http://www.digi.no/php/art.php?id=96102&f=katnav (link no longer works)

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ASAP Utilities released its new version 3.06 this week.

News from the Netherlands!

The response to ASAP Utilities latest version was overwhelmingly
positive. My thanks goes out to each and every one of you for your
support, help and tips.

Included with the new software are the release notes for version 3.06
which document the major changes in this new version. One of the new
features you will certainly like is the possibility to create a submenu with
your own favorite tools. You can also assign your own shortcuts.

Click here to go to the download page.

ASAP Utilities is (as always) free and contains no spyware !
We make you the company's excel guru!

What's new:

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