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Overwhelmed + update

We're overwhelmed by the reactions we get from you all!

Thank you for all your compliments and suggestions. To show you we use them a new version 3.10c is just released. It fixes two bugs and adds an option to import textfiles separated by and exclamation mark (!).

I have also put the entire version history online so you can see the changes throughout the versions.

download page

ASAP Utilities released its new version (3.10b) today!

We make you the company's excel guru!

ASAP Utilities is a free and easy to use Add-In for MS Excel 97, 2000, 2002, XP and 2003. The utility contains over 300 functions to make your work easier and faster done.

Version 3.10b is compatible with Excel 97 and all future Excel versions. It does not require any special (administrator) rights. If you have Excel 2000 or later and you do have administrator rights we recommend you to try the new version 3.11 also available from our website. That new version is faster and has some nice additions, but it also has a few more demands from your system and is at this moment still a beta-version.

My thanks goes out to each and every one of you for your suggestions and bug-reports the past year. ASAP Utilities continues to grow and improve thanks to your support, your suggestions and your encouragement.

ASAP Utilities is (as always) free and contains no spyware!

Kind regards,

Bastien Mensink
ASAP Utilities

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Productivity Portfolio: ASAP Utilities Provides Excel Users Power and Flexibility

Productivity Portfolio ...linking technology and productivity for Windows usersASAP Utilities has been reviewed by Productivity Portfolio a website about productivity and how to use certain tools.

ASAP Utilities Provides Excel Users Power and Flexibility
Excel is one of the pillars of Microsoft Office. Despite being feature-rich, there are some tasks that are either cumbersome to perform or are buried in the program. That shouldn't stop you from using Excel, as there are some third party tools that nicely complement the program. One example is the free add-in from Bastien Mensink called ASAP Utilities that provides easy access to over 300 utilities.

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ASAP Excel Weblog

asap excel blog weblogI've created a weblog/blog to post more frequently about Excel tools and provide code snipplets. As the author of ASAP Utilities I get a lot of questions by email (my appologies to those I don't mail back to, there are just too many emails and there is too little time).

Most questions are the same and repeated over and over again. I?ll use this blog to answer to the most general Excel questions including questions on ASAP Utilities. Beside that I want to share a bit more of my knowledge and experiences:

Kind regards,

Kim Komando 'You'll wonder how you ever lived without it.'

kim-komando-coolsite_05.gifASAP Utilities is being featured in The Kim Komando Show Cool Site of the Day on August 8, 2005.

Kim Komando hosts the largest talk radio show about computers and the Internet. The program is heard on over 450 stations throughout the United States. Kim Komando's newsletter has hundreds of thousands of subscribers.

Tweak Excel

2005-08-08 | I've used Excel, Microsoft's spreadsheet program, for many years. But sometimes it's not the easiest program to get your arms around. I bet that many business people are probably in the same boat.

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