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PC Magazine's 14th Annual Utility Superguide: 5 stars for ASAP Utilities

Date review: March 23, 2006

PC Magazine has recently published it's 14th Annual Utility Superguide.

We're proud to let you know ASAP Utilities (3.11 beta) has received the PC Magazine 5 Stars Rating (the maximum rating). The judgment is done by a panel of PC Magazine editors, and leading industry experts.

The full article is available on their website::
pcmag.com/article2/0,1895,1936196,00.asp (no longer available)

The full 14th Annual Utility Superguide:
www.pcmag.com/article2/0,1895,1936083,00.asp (no longer available)

PC Magazine's 14th Annual Utility Superguide: 5 stars for ASAP Utilities


PC Magazine's 14th Annual Utility Superguide: 5 stars for ASAP Utilities

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