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Excel with ASAP Utilities in it's menu

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Over the past 26 years, our customer base has grown to 27,000+ organizations in over 140 countries.

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Chip Pearson: 'This is truly one of the best and most useful add-ins I've ever used.'

Date review: May 17, 2001

Click to visit cpearson.comIn may 2001 Chip Pearson, one of the worlds leading Excel gurus, wrote a review about ASAP Utilities. ASAP Utilities is mentioned on his website as a "must have" add-in for Excel power users.

"Created by Bastien Mensink in the Netherlands, this is a fantastic collection of over 200 utilities, all very well organized into a menu structure added to the Excel menu bar. This is truly one of the best and most useful add-ins I've ever used."

On his website Chip Person describes several of the most common and widely used tools for Excel. hese are the "must have" add-ins for Excel power users.


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