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Create a list of filenames and properties in a folder...

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File & System  ›  24. Create a list of filenames and properties in a folder...

This utility will create a list of all filenames in a specified folder.
This way you can for example import on a worksheet the names from all files on a cd-rom.

You can configure the following settings:
  • The folder to be searched.
  • Search subfolders.
  • Create hyperlinks to the files.
  • Show only certain file types. For example to report only Excel files you can enter '*.xl*'.
  • Sort the results, for example by filename, foldername, date, etc.
  • Show only files modified or created within the past specified number of days.
  • Create the list of files in a new workbook or on a new worksheet in your current workbook.

    This utility reports the following information about the files:
  • Parent Folder
  • Filename
  • Size (KB)
  • Type
  • Created (date)
  • Last Accessed (date)
  • Last Modified (date)
  • Full name (foldername and filename together)

    By default you can start this utility with the shortcut Control+Alt+F.
    Your last used settings will be remembered.


    Example screenshot: 1
    1, File & System  ›  24 Create a list of filenames and properties in a folder...
    Example screenshot: 2
    2, File & System  ›  24 Create a list of filenames and properties in a folder...

    Starting this tool

    File & System  ›  24 Create a list of filenames and properties in a folder...
    Additional keywords for this tool:
    Directory, list folders, import list of files, read list of filename from explorer, importing, searching, contents of a folder, get file names from folder to excel, listing filenames, folder view into excel, get list of file names from folder, windows explorer, print a list of files in folders

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