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The ASAP Utilities menu in Excel (English)

Excel with ASAP Utilities in its menu

Correct the link to the ASAP Utilities worksheet functions

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Formulas  ›  13. Correct the link to the ASAP Utilities worksheet functions

This tool can be used to correct the reference in your workbook to the ASAP Utilities worksheet functions.
This can be useful if your workbook is used on another computer where ASAP Utilities is installed in a different folder. For example the default installation folder of ASAP Utilities differs between a 32-bit and 64-bit Windows version.


Formulas  ›  13 Correct the link to the ASAP Utilities worksheet functions

Starting this tool

Formulas  ›  13 Correct the link to the ASAP Utilities worksheet functions
Insert function from the ASAP Utilities library...

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