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Delete all text characters (a-z) in selected cells

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Text  ›  16. Delete all text characters (a-z) in selected cells

This utility will remove all letters from the values in the selected cells.

All letters from the alphabet (abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz), both uppercase and lowercase will be removed from every cell in your selection. Cells with a formula will be skipped.
If you have selected only one single cell then the utility will edit all the cells on your worksheet.

For example a cell with the value '8011LB' will be replaced with '8011'.


Text  ›  16 Delete all text characters (a-z) in selected cells

Starting this tool

Text  ›  16 Delete all text characters (a-z) in selected cells
Additional keywords for this tool:
Remove, delete, abcefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
Replace accented characters (á, ë, ñ etc.)...

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