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Changes in version 7.9.4 - April 6, 2022

Published: April 6, 2022 (latest revision April 13, 2022)
reference id: QA0341


On April 6, 2022 the new version 7.9.4 has been released.

Supported Excel versions

ASAP Utilities 7.9 works with:

  • Excel 365 desktop  
  • Excel 2021
  • Excel 2019
  • Excel 2016
  • Excel 2013
  • Excel 2010
  • Excel 2007
  • Excel 2003
  • Excel 2002/XP
  • Excel 2000

On any Windows system that matches the Excel system requirements.

Free upgrade if you purchased version 7.x or 5.x

If you purchased a license for version 7.x or 5.x, then you get version 7.9 free of charge. You can use the same license details.
If you purchased a license in 2012 or earlier, then please contact us for a 50% discount to upgrade to version 7.

To upgrade, just install the new version "on top" of the existing version on your computer.
ASAP Utilities will then automatically recognize your settings and license information if you have already entered that previously.



Several small improvements and a few small bug fixes.


The option "Add our company  (A Must in Every Office BV) to the list of Trusted Publishers (all users)" is now checked by default.
This is done to help make it easier to use ASAP Utilities with improved security in Excel.

We have incorporated our new logo

The new logo, for use on a light background:
The new ASAP Utilities logo

The new logo, in white with the orange as background color:
Wide logo ASAP Utilities - White on orange background
We updated the ASAP Utilities ribbon in Excel with a few improved icons for:

Excel with ASAP Utilities in it's menu

Learn more about the background and creation of our new logo

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