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ASAP Utilities 3.07b available - compile errors gone

Version 3.07b is ready. The compile errors that appeared on some computers with Excel 97 are gone. We've also used this to add a few extra functions.

Click here to go to the download page.

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Compile errors and (incorrect) macro-virus warning

We've received numerous emails the past few week from people receiving compile errors in some parts of ASAP Utilities in combination with Excel 97. Besides that some people who use Computer Associates ETrust EZ Antivirus version 6 get a warning message.
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PCM: 'Even more impressive is ASAP-Utilities...'

PCM-april-2005-cover.jpgPCM is an well read dutch computer magazine. This month they have published an article about extra tools for Internet Explorer, Outlook and Office. One of the software tools for Excel that is discussed is ASAP Utilities.


'... Nog indrukwekkender zijn de ASAP Utilities: die bevatten namelijk zo'n driehonderd tooltjes, zijn van Nederlandse origine én... geheel gratis. De installatie geschiedt zo goed als volautomatisch. Via een extra menuknop heeft u vervolgens meteen toegang tot alle extra functies. Een paar voorbeeldjes: afdrukken in batch, geselecteerde cellen omwisselen, hyperlinks verwijderen, et cetera.'

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ASAP Utilities new version 3.07 released

News from the Netherlands!

The response to ASAP Utilities latest version was overwhelmingly positive. My thanks goes out to each and every one of you for your support, help and tips.

Click here to go to the download page.

ASAP Utilities is (as always) free and contains no spyware !
We make you the company's excel guru!

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Wintotal: Download of the week / download der woche


ASAP Utilities is featured as 'download of the week' on the German website WinTotal, a windows-portal.

Die ASAP-Utilities erweitern Excel 2000 aufwärts um über 300 Funktionen, die man sonst nur mühsam selbst oder über Macros erstellen müsste. Die Funktionssuite blendet sich übersichtlich und nach Funktion sortiert in die Menüleiste von Excel ein.

So können Sie die Sprache der ASAP Utilities zwischen "Englisch" und "Deutsch" wechseln.


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