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Important update ASAP Utilities for Excel 97

I've recently discovered a serious bug in ASAP Utilties 3.10d for Excel 97 (thank you John). I recommend everybody who is currently using version 3.10d to download and install the new version 3.10E.

The ASAP Utilities menu was not properly removed when Excel was closed. This bug in version 3.10d resulted, especially in Excel 97 in an ever increasing toolbar file (xlb). This bug does not apply to version 4.0.

My apologies for the inconvenience.

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Find your solution on the "questions and answers" page

Find your solution on the 'questions and answers' pageA lot of answers on questions about ASAP Utilities can be found on this website. Starting from today you can also search in this list of common questions. We hope this way you will find the answer to your problem faster and easier.

Lately I have also answered a lot of questions about using ASAP Utilities with Excel 97 or how to install ASAP Utilities if you don't have administrator rights on your computer.

New version in progress: October 6, 2006

A new version of ASAP Utilities is in progress. Major reasons for this release are a few bugfixes. Depending on the feedback I will release this version officially within a couple of days.

You can view the changes and download it from the ASAP Utilities weblog. Comments can be posted there too. Thank you for the feedback!

The Great Software List highest rating

ASAP Utilities was rated 5 stars on The Great Software ListSince several months ASAP Utilities is listed on The Great Software List. I'm proud, especially when I read their selection criteria.

The Great Software List is an advocate of great software and ignores mediocre software. It is composed of high quality programs that share most or all of the following features:

(1) Ease of use based on a well-designed user interface;
(2) A generous array of keyboard shortcuts (preferably customizable);
(3) Customizability where applicable; and
(4) Affordability.

New version for Excel 97: 3.10d, september 20, 2006

A new version of ASAP Utilties for Excel 97 has just been released. You can download version 3.10d, september 20, 2006 for Excel 97.

Major reasons for this release are serveral bugfixes.

This version is compatible with Excel 97 and all future versions. It does not require any special user-rights during the setup. If you have Excel 2000 or newer and you do have administrator or power user rights we recommend you to use the new version 4.0 also available from our website. That new version has some great new and improved utilities.

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