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Excel with ASAP Utilities in its menu

Unprotect multiple sheets at once...

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Sheets  ›  16. Unprotect multiple sheets at once...

This utility allows you to unprotect the selected or all sheets in your workbook with the same password at once.

The built in method of Excel allows you to only unprotect one sheet at a time. If you want to remove the protection from multiple sheets you have to unprotect them one by one. This can take a long time if you have many sheets.
With this tool unprotecting your sheets is much easier and furthermore a lot faster.


Example screenshot: Unprotect multiple sheets at once
Unprotect multiple sheets at once
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Starting this tool

Sheets  ›  16 Unprotect multiple sheets at once...
Additional keywords for this tool:
apply password, at one go, simultaneously
Protect multiple sheets at once...

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